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Advertising on

PostPosted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 3:26 pm
by Webmaster
As you may recall, several months ago joined the SportsWar network. We're looking forward to working with national advertising clients like the Discovery Channel, Miller Brewing, Geeks on Call, etc.

The downside was that the cost of advertising to our local sponsors (many of whom were not just PonyFans, but had become good friends) was more than they were accustomed to spending. Well, we're excited to report that has all changed and SportsWar is allowing us to fill uncommitted ad slots with local advertisers at very favorable rates.

So, for around $100/month we can build an effective campaign targeted right at one of the most affluent demographics in the U.S. If you're interested, please send me an email at

For those of you who have expressed interest in the past, I'll try to touch base with you in the next few days.